Aurubis Sustainability Strategy

In 2018, the Aurubis Executive Board and Supervisory Board passed the Sustainability Strategy 2018–2023. Based on the aspects “People – Environment – Economy,” it comprises nine key action areas for a period of five years (see illustration). In turn, these areas include a total of 27 measures and nine targets. We established deadlines and key performance indicators (KPIs) for their implementation so that our sustainable company development can be measured and guided. The individual measures of the Sustainability Strategy 2018–2023 and the status of their implementation are in this report at the end of the description of each action area.

Aurubis Sustainability Strategy

The Sustainability Strategy 2018–2023 is the continuation of our first Sustainability Strategy, which was passed in 2013 and expired in 2018. In 2015, the main action areas of this first Aurubis Sustainability Strategy were reviewed to determine their relevance, refined, and developed in the course of a materiality analysis. The materiality analysis was based on a survey of internal and external stakeholders, as well as an analysis carried out by supervisors from all areas of the company. In the course of drafting the Sustainability Strategy 2018–2023, internal and external requirements and current developments were once again analyzed, and then the strategic action areas and accompanying targets and measures were established with the relevant departments in workshops.

As part of our responsible corporate governance, the topics of compliance and human rights also play a key role in addition to the nine actions areas, complementing the aspects “People – Environment – Economy.”