Description of the business model and presentation of the Group structure
We are continuing to develop our business model consistently in alignment with the company vision. Today, Aurubis’ main focus is on the production and processing of copper. Aurubis primarily processes copper concentrates that are mined from ores and sourced on the global market. The company purchases the necessary raw materials, as it doesn’t have its own mines or stakes in mines. The processing of secondary raw materials plays an important role as well. Moreover, we are currently expanding our business model beyond copper and increasingly implementing a multi-metal approach. This means that, in addition to copper, other metals will be extracted from systematically purchased raw materials and intermediate products and then processed into marketable products with added value.
More information is available in the Business Model section of the Combined Management Report.
Aurubis AG is the parent company of the Aurubis Group and is based in Hamburg, with production sites in Hamburg and Lünen. For us, sustainability applies to the entire Group. Consequently, the action areas and measures are relevant for the Group and for Aurubis AG. The key indicators mentioned in this report are recorded at Aurubis in the individual departments, consolidated at Group level, and ultimately evaluated. When the following report mentions copper production, this refers to primary and secondary copper production at the Hamburg, Lünen, Olen, and Pirdop sites. Significant differences between Aurubis AG KPIs and Group KPIs are explained.
The main external factors influencing business development are described in the Risk and Opportunity Report of the Combined Management Report under Explanation of relevant risks. Risks related to non-financial aspects beyond the company boundaries are also mentioned there. Risks were assessed in accordance with the German CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG). In the process, no non-financial risks were identified that were very likely to cause a serious negative impact on employee and environmental matters, on respect for human rights, on the prevention of corruption and bribery, or on social matters within the meaning of Section 289c (3) of the German Commercial Code (HGB). Nevertheless, it is important to us to handle non-financial risks even if they are evaluated as non-material according to the strict definition of the CSR Directive Implementation Act. We have developed and implemented related management approaches to address these non-financial risks.