Social matters / Social engagement 1

Social engagement is a fixed component of our company identity. We fulfill our responsibility within society – as an employer, as a business partner, as a neighbor, and as a member of society – throughout the entire value chain.

We have set the target of contributing to a livable environment for future generations, focusing on areas of action that are linked with Aurubis’ key areas of expertise. We want to promote enthusiasm for our company and for our work and present ourselves as a responsible, committed company.

Projects and partners are selected according to established criteria outlined in our Sponsoring Policy, which also defines responsibilities in the Group. The Event Management & Sponsoring division is responsible for our social engagement and reports to the vice president overseeing Investor Relations & Corporate Communications. This function then reports directly to the Executive Board chairman so that he is included in our social activities and related budget decisions. A Sponsoring Committee made up of appointed members from Event Management & Sponsoring, Communications, Sustainability, and Corporate Compliance makes decisions about project support that exceeds a certain level set internally.

Apart from projects at Group level, our sites also get involved at the local level using their own budgets. Our Sponsoring Policy applies to these projects as well, which, in addition to the three Group-wide focuses, also concentrate on culture, sports, or our core business.

Key measures of the Sustainability Strategy 2018–2023

  • Developing and implementing the sponsoring concept “together we care” for social engagement at Group level (by fiscal year 2018/19)
    In fiscal year 2018/19, we adopted and released our new strategy for social engagement, called “together we care.” We are focusing our involvement on the areas of knowledge, the environment, and participation, in line with our company strategy (see

Project examples in the reporting period
In Hamburg, we support the project Bridge & Tunnel. A key aspect of the project is the recycling of reusable materials. Old textiles and leftover material are processed into accessories, clothing, and home textiles in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg. Bridge & Tunnel creates permanent jobs for people who are not employed on the primary labor market for various reasons and for individuals with an immigration background.

Aurubis Bulgaria supported the renovation of a convent in Zlatitsa during the reporting period. The support provided is part of Aurubis Bulgaria’s local sponsoring strategy of helping restore cultural and historic places in the region in order to develop a local network of tourist destinations. The purpose of this network is to promote regional development.

Aurubis Belgium supports the local social organizations Welzijnsschakels and Sociale dienst Olen, which have the shared goal of providing assistance to prevent poverty in Belgium, particularly among older people and families.

Starting in the past fiscal year, Aurubis has also been involved in key supply countries in South America, especially Peru and Chile.

In Peru, Aurubis supports a holistic education program of the foundation Fundación Niños del Arco Iris in the Urubamba District. In addition to conveying knowledge and directly including the families involved, the project also focuses on health issues.

Near Arequipa in Peru, Aurubis supports a water project in the Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve. The goal of the project is to use natural resources sustainably and to maintain and protect biodiversity with the direct involvement of local

In Chile, Aurubis supports the development of dual occupational training for agriculture following the German model at the Liceo Jean Buchanan school in the O’Higgins Region (Chile).

1 Topic not material for Aurubis within the meaning of the CSR Implementation Act.